Senin, 04 Maret 2013

circulatory system

A.    Blood
Have you ever seen people who are doing donor
Blood? Or you yourself have ever done? Blood donors are
the process of taking blood from the body to a certain amount for
transferred to the body of another person with the same blood type.
Blood is one of the components of the circulatory system (circulatory
blood) is very important. Blood and circulatory system have
function as follows.

1. Circulating nutrients (nutrients) of the digestive system
food to all body cells
2. Transport oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body, and
transport of carbon dioxide from the body cells to the lungs
3. Transport of metabolic waste from the body cells to the organs of excretion
4. Transport of hormones from endocrine glands to cells or tissues
5. Helps the body's fluid balance
6. Help in regulating body temperature

1. Composition of Blood
You must have seen the blood. Did you know the composition of blood
The? The composition of the blood can be obtained by rotating the blood
in a tube at high speed. Blood screening process
is called centrifugation. From the results of centrifugation, the blood will
separated into two parts, namely a solid bottom and parts
the liquid. The liquid at the top is a blood plasma (55%),
while the bottom there is blood cells (45%).

a. Blood plasma
Blood plasma fills about 55% of the total blood volume. wrong
the function of blood plasma that regulate blood osmotic balance
in the body. In humans, blood plasma is composed of water (90%) and
soluble materials (10%). Here is the composition of blood plasma and its
b. Blood Cells
There are about 45% of the blood cells in the blood. Blood cells
composed of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes),
and platelets (thrombocytes). To better understand the composition of the cells to
blood in the human body
1) Red blood cells
Red blood cells (erythrocytes) carry or circulate function
oxygen and carbon dioxide. The ability of the oxygen and carbon
dioxide by red blood cells is due to hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is a protein that has a strong holding capacity
O2 and CO2.
2) The white blood cells
White blood cells (leukocytes) function in immune defense and
body. Leukocytes will defend the body against disease.
This function is supported by the ability of leukocytes to move
amoeboid (such as Amoeba) and the nature of phagocytosis (prey or
Based on the presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm,
leukocytes are divided into leukocytes not bergranula (agranulosit) and
bergranula leukocytes (granulocytes).
a) Agranulosit
Agranulosit are leukocytes without granules in
cytoplasm. There are two types of agranulosit, ie lymphocytes and monocytes.
Lymphocytes are leukocytes that can not move and have one
the cell nucleus. Lymphocyte function in the form of antibodies. Lymphocyte-sized
between 8-14 μm. Monocytes are larger than lymphocytes, which
14-19 μm. Monocytes have a heart shaped like a kidney.
b) Granulocytes
Granulocytes are leukocytes that have granules in
cytoplasm. Based on the properties of its granules, granulocytes
divided into three, namely neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils
3) Platelet
Platelets are also called thrombocytes. Platelets form
round, oval, even irregularly shaped. Platelets are not
has a core and smaller than erythrocytes.
The number of platelets in each millimeter around 250000-400000
cubic blood. Platelets can live for eight days. Platelets
function in the process of blood clotting. Regarding the role of platelets
in the clotting of blood, the matter will be discussed further.
2. Blood Clotting Mechanism
Have you ever fallen off a bike and hurt your knee? Wound
it will bleed. However, what happens to the
wound after a few days? The wound will close and
When blood vessels are damaged or cut off due to injury, blood
will flow out of the blood vessels. However, the blood
will stop flowing out due to the process of blood clotting.
How does the mechanism of blood clotting?
In blood plasma platelets are to be broken if
touching the rough surface. If platelets rupture, enzyme
thromboplastin contains will come out mixed with plasma
Blood. In addition to platelets, in blood plasma are protombin. Protombin will
enzyme is converted into thrombin by thromboplastin. Changes protombin
a thrombin triggered by calcium ions (Ca2 +). Protombin is a
plasma protein formation requires vitamin K.
Thrombin will serve as enzymes that can alter
fibrinogen into fibrin. Fibrinogen is a protein contained
in plasma. The fibrin is a protein in the form of threads
not soluble in plasma. Fibrin threads that form will
interlocked so that the red blood cells and their plasma will be netted
and forming clots. The new network will be formed replacing
Clumps and wounds will close
3. Blood and Blood Transfusion
Is your blood type? Do the same with brothers or
your sister? Blood group on each person not necessarily the same. It is
due to some blood groups in humans. What are the
in human blood type is?
Based on the composition and aglutininnya aglutinogen, blood
Human blood can be divided into A, B, AB, and O.
ABO blood classification discovered by an expert immunologist Austria,
Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943). Blood classification is based on
aglutinogen the presence of two types, namely aglutinogen aglutinogen A and B.
Aglutinogen and aglutinin is the protein content in the blood.
Aglutinogen is a form of protein antigen, whereas aglutinin
a protein such as an antibody.
In addition to the ABO system, there are other regional classifications, namely
system of rhesus (rh). The system is based on the presence or absence
rhesus aglutinogen in the blood. Landsteiner discovered the system rh
was on probation for Macaca rhesus macaques. At rh system, if
person's blood contains the person aglutinogen rhesus
including positive rhesus (rh +). As if it does not contain
aglutinogen rhesus negative person including rhesus (rh-).
ABO blood classification plays a role in blood transfusion. Transfusion
Blood is the removal of blood from a person's body into the body
others. The person receiving the blood is called the recipient or recipients.
As for those who give blood is called the donor or donor.
It should be noted in a blood transfusion is the kind of
aglutinogen aglutinin donor and recipient. Aglutinin have the ability
to agglutinate erythrocytes. Thus, if the donor aglutinogen
mixed with aglutinin recipient, recipient blood will clot.
Blood donors were mixed in the recipient's body will be treated as
antigen by the body. To give you a better understanding of blood transfusion
4. Disorders and Blood-Related Diseases
There are several disorders and diseases associated with
Blood. The disorder can be caused by physiological factors and
genetic factors.
a. Anemia
Anemia is a lack of hemoglobin in the form of disease,
Fe, and erythrocytes in the body. Under normal circumstances, the Hb
Blood is 12-16 grams%. The number of normal erythrocytes at 5.3 million /
mm3 of blood. A person suffering from anemia have symptoms of pallor,
lethargy, headache, and menstrual disorders.
b. Leukemia
In leukemia, white blood cell production exceeds normal limits. Case
This is caused by the abnormal growth of tissue
produce blood cells. Leukemia can be caused by a viral infection,
exposed to radioactive rays, exposed to chemicals, as well as hereditary factors
(Genetic). Patients with leukemia have a characteristic pale, listless, fever, and
c. Thalassemia
Thalassemia is a disease caused by disruption
production of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. Thalassemia is a disease
genetic or hereditary. Symptoms of thalassemia varies greatly,
include anemia, an enlarged spleen, abnormal bone shapes, and
growth disorders.
d. Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle cell anemia is a disease characterized by the shape
red blood cells resembling a crescent moon. Shaped red blood cells
The crescent moon is easy to overlap on the blood vessels.
As a result, the blood cells clog blood vessels and occurs
hemolysis (rupture). In addition, the resulting lack of crescent shape
holding capacity for oxygen.

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